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      • 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作伍来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,伍及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 …
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      • 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ...
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      Cross-Country Comparison of Public Awareness, Rumors, and Behavioral Responses to the COVID-19 Epidemic: Infodemiology Study


      • Zhiyuan Hou  
      • Fanxing Du  
      • Xinyu Zhou  
      • Hao Jiang  
      • Sam Martin  
      • Heidi Larson  
      • Leesa Lin  


      Background: Understanding public behavioral responses to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic and the accompanying infodemic is crucial to controlling the epidemic. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess real-time public awareness and behavioral responses to the COVID-19 epidemic across 12 selected countries. Methods: Internet surveillance was used to collect real-time data from the general public to assess public awareness and rumors (China: Baidu; worldwide: Google Trends) and behavior responses (China: Ali Index; worldwide: Google Shopping). These indices measured the daily number of searches or purchases and were compared with the numbers of daily COVID-19 cases. The trend comparisons across selected countries were observed from December 1, 2023 (prepandemic baseline) to April 11, 2023 (at least one month after the governments of selected countries took actions for the pandemic). Results: We identified missed windows of opportunity for early epidemic control in 12 countries, when public awareness was very low despite the emerging epidemic. China's epidemic and the declaration of a public health emergency of international concern did not prompt a worldwide public reaction to adopt health-protective measures; instead, most countries and regions only responded to the epidemic after their own case counts increased. Rumors and misinformation led to a surge of sales in herbal remedies in China and antimalarial drugs worldwide, and timely clarification of rumors mitigated the rush to purchase unproven remedies. 番羽土墙软件 Our comparative study highlights the urgent need for international coordination to promote mutual learning about epidemic characteristics and effective control measures as well as to trigger early and timely responses in individual countries. Early release of official guidelines and timely clarification of rumors led by governments are necessary to guide the public to take rational action.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(8):e21143
      • 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伋表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 …

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      Public Health in the Information Age: Recognizing the Infosphere as a Social Determinant of Health

      Authors List:

      • Jessica Morley  
      • Josh Cowls  
      • Mariarosaria Taddeo  
      • Luciano Floridi  


      塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(8):e19311
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    • Source: Flickr / Rosenfeld Media; Copyright: Rosenfeld Media; URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rosenfeldmedia/7171802250; License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY).


      Authors List:

      • John Ferrand  
      • Ryli Hockensmith  
      • Rebecca Fagen Houghton  
      • Eric R Walsh-Buhi  


      Background: Almost half (46%) of Americans have used a smart assistant of some kind (eg, Apple Siri), and 25% have used a stand-alone smart assistant (eg, Amazon Echo). This positions smart assistants as potentially useful modalities for retrieving health-related information; however, the accuracy of smart assistant responses lacks rigorous evaluation. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the levels of accuracy, misinformation, and sentiment in smart assistant responses to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination–related questions. Methods: We systematically examined responses to questions about the HPV vaccine from the following four most popular smart assistants: Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana. One team member posed 10 questions to each smart assistant and recorded all queries and responses. Two raters independently coded all responses (κ=0.85). We then assessed differences among the smart assistants in terms of response accuracy, presence of misinformation, and sentiment regarding the HPV vaccine. Results: A total of 103 responses were obtained from the 10 questions posed across the smart assistants. Google Assistant data were excluded owing to nonresponse. Over half (n=63, 61%) of the responses of the remaining three smart assistants were accurate. We found statistically significant differences across the smart assistants (N=103, χ22=7.807, P=.02), with Cortana yielding the greatest proportion of misinformation. Siri yielded the greatest proportion of accurate responses (n=26, 72%), whereas Cortana yielded the lowest proportion of accurate responses (n=33, 54%). Most response sentiments across smart assistants were positive (n=65, 64%) or neutral (n=18, 18%), but Cortana’s responses yielded the largest proportion of negative sentiment (n=7, 12%). Conclusions: Smart assistants appear to be average-quality sources for HPV vaccination information, with Alexa responding most reliably. Cortana returned the largest proportion of inaccurate responses, the most misinformation, and the greatest proportion of results with negative sentiments. More collaboration between technology companies and public health entities is necessary to improve the retrieval of accurate health information via smart assistants.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(8):e19018
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        • 东北网2021年05月27日新闻汇总:主流媒体 龙江门户

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      生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所伍我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。

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      • Stuart McLennan  


      Background: Previous research internationally has only analyzed publicly available feedback on physician rating websites (PRWs). However, it appears that many PRWs are not publishing all the feedback they receive. Analysis of this rejected feedback could provide a better understanding of the types of feedback that are currently not published and whether this is appropriate. 番羽土墙软件 The aim of this study was to examine (1) the number of patient feedback rejected from the Swiss PRW Medicosearch, (2) the evaluation tendencies of the rejected patient feedback, and (3) the types of issues raised in the rejected narrative comments. 番羽土墙软件 The Swiss PRW Medicosearch provided all the feedback that had been rejected between September 16, 2008, and September 22, 2017. The feedback were analyzed and classified according to a theoretical categorization framework of physician-, staff-, and practice-related issues. Results: Between September 16, 2008, and September 22, 2017, Medicosearch rejected a total of 2352 patient feedback. The majority of feedback rejected (1754/2352, 74.6%) had narrative comments in the German language. However, 11.9% (279/2352) of the rejected feedback only provided a quantitative rating with no narrative comment. Overall, 25% (588/2352) of the rejected feedback were positive, 18.7% (440/2352) were neutral, and 56% (1316/2352) were negative. The average rating of the rejected feedback was 2.8 (SD 1.4). In total, 44 subcategories addressing the physician (n=20), staff (n=9), and practice (n=15) were identified. In total, 3804 distinct issues were identified within the 44 subcategories of the categorization framework; 75% (2854/3804) of the issues were related to the physician, 6.4% (242/3804) were related to the staff, and 18.6% (708/3804) were related to the practice. Frequently mentioned issues identified from the rejected feedback included (1) satisfaction with treatment (533/1903, 28%); (2) the overall assessment of the physician (392/1903, 20.6%); (3) recommending the physician (345/1903, 18.1%); (4) the physician’s communication (261/1903, 13.7%); (5) the physician’s caring attitude (220/1903, 11.6%); and (6) the physician’s friendliness (203/1903, 10.6%). Conclusions: It is unclear why the majority of the feedback were rejected. This is problematic and raises concerns that online patient feedback are being inappropriately manipulated. If online patient feedback is going to be collected, there needs to be clear policies and practices about how this is handled. It cannot be left to the whims of PRWs, who may have financial incentives to suppress negative feedback, to decide which feedback is or is not published online. Further research is needed to examine how many PRWs are using criteria for determining which feedback is published or not, what those criteria are, and what measures PRWs are using to address the manipulation of online patient feedback.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;墙软件:e18374
      • 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伋——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ...

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      • Emma Anderson  
      • Catherine Linney  
      • Richard Morris  
      • Roxanne Parslow  
      • Teona Serafimova  
      • Lucie Smith  
      • Emily Briggs  
      • Maria Loades  
      • Esther Crawley  


      番羽土墙软件 The prevalence of chronic health conditions in childhood is increasing, and behavioral interventions can support the management of these conditions. Compared with face-to-face treatment, the use of digital interventions may be more cost-effective, appealing, and accessible, but there has been inadequate attention to their use with younger populations (children aged 5-12 years). Objective: This systematic review aims to (1) identify effective digital interventions, (2) report the characteristics of promising interventions, and (3) describe the user’s experience of the digital intervention. 墙软件 A total of 4 databases were searched (Excerpta Medica Database [EMBASE], PsycINFO, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online [MEDLINE], and the Cochrane Library) between January 2014 and January 2023. The inclusion criteria for studies were as follows: (1) children aged between 5 and 12 years, (2) interventions for behavior change, (3) randomized controlled trials, (4) digital interventions, and (5) chronic health conditions. Two researchers independently double reviewed papers to assess eligibility, extract data, and assess quality. Results: Searches run in the databases identified 2643 papers. We identified 17 eligible interventions. The most promising interventions (having a beneficial effect and low risk of bias) were 3 targeting overweight or obesity, using exergaming or social media, and 2 for anxiety, using web-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Characteristics of promising interventions included gaming features, therapist support, and parental involvement. Most were purely behavioral interventions (rather than CBT or third wave), typically using the behavior change techniques (BCTs) feedback and monitoring, shaping knowledge, repetition and substitution, and reward. Three papers included qualitative data on the user’s experience. We developed the following themes: parental involvement, connection with a health professional is important for engagement, technological affordances and barriers, and 番羽土墙. Conclusions: Of the 17 eligible interventions, digital interventions for anxiety and overweight or obesity had the greatest promise. Using qualitative methods during digital intervention development and evaluation may lead to more meaningful, usable, feasible, and engaging interventions, especially for this underresearched younger population. The following characteristics could be considered when developing digital interventions for younger children: involvement of parents, gaming features, additional therapist support, behavioral (rather than cognitive) approaches, and particular BCTs (番羽土墙软件, 番羽土墙, 番羽土啬吧, and reward). This review suggests a model for improving the conceptualization and reporting of behavioral interventions involving children and parents.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e16924
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        • 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有

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      Investigation of Geographic and Macrolevel Variations in LGBTQ Patient Experiences: Longitudinal Social Media Analysis

      Authors List:

      • Yulin Hswen  
      • Amanda Zhang  
      • Kara C Sewalk  
      • Gaurav Tuli  
      • John S Brownstein  
      • Jared B Hawkins  


      Background: Discrimination in the health care system contributes to worse health outcomes among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) patients. Objective: The aim of this study is to examine disparities in patient experience among LGBTQ persons using social media data. Methods: We collected patient experience data from Twitter from February 2013 to February 2017 in the United States. We compared the sentiment of patient experience tweets between Twitter users who self-identified as LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ. The effect of state-level partisan identity on patient experience sentiment and differences between LGBTQ users and non-LGBTQ users were analyzed. Results: We observed lower (more negative) patient experience sentiment among 13,689 LGBTQ users compared to 1,362,395 non-LGBTQ users. Increasing state-level liberal political identification was associated with higher patient experience sentiment among all users but had stronger effects for LGBTQ users. Conclusions: Our findings highlight that social media data can yield insights about patient experience for LGBTQ persons and suggest that a state-level sociopolitical environment influences patient experience for this group. Efforts are needed to reduce disparities in patient care for LGBTQ persons while taking into context the effect of the political climate on these inequities.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):番羽土墙
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      Asthma Exacerbation Prediction and Risk Factor Analysis Based on a Time-Sensitive, Attentive Neural Network: Retrospective Cohort Study

      Authors List:

      • Yang Xiang  
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      • Yujia Zhou  
      • Fang Li  
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      • Laila Rasmy  
      • Stephen Wu  
      • W Jim Zheng  
      • Hua Xu  
      • Degui Zhi  
      • Yaoyun Zhang  
      • Cui Tao  


      Background: Asthma exacerbation is an acute or subacute episode of progressive worsening of asthma symptoms and can have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. However, efficient methods that can help identify personalized risk factors and make early predictions are lacking. Objective: This study aims to use advanced deep learning models to better predict the risk of asthma exacerbations and to explore potential risk factors involved in progressive asthma. 番羽土啬吧 We proposed a novel time-sensitive, attentive neural network to predict asthma exacerbation using clinical variables from large electronic health records. The clinical variables were collected from the Cerner Health Facts database between 1992 and 2015, including 31,433 adult patients with asthma. Interpretations on both patient and cohort levels were investigated based on the model parameters. Results: The proposed model obtained an area under the curve value of 0.7003 through a five-fold cross-validation, which outperformed the baseline methods. The results also demonstrated that the addition of elapsed time embeddings considerably improved the prediction performance. Further analysis observed diverse distributions of contributing factors across patients as well as some possible cohort-level risk factors, which could be found supporting evidence from peer-reviewed literature such as respiratory diseases and esophageal reflux. Conclusions: The proposed neural network model performed better than previous methods for the prediction of asthma exacerbation. We believe that personalized risk scores and analyses of contributing factors can help clinicians better assess the individual’s level of disease progression and afford the opportunity to adjust treatment, prevent exacerbation, and improve outcomes.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e16981
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        • 毕节试验区三十年坚持扶贫开发与生态建设并重-中工新闻-中工网:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。4 年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 ...

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    • Source: freepik; Copyright: pressfoto; URL: http://www.freepik.com/free-photo/doctor-talking-with-patients_861533.htm#page=1&query=doctors%20talking&position=25; License: Licensed by JMIR.

      毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伋——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ...

      Authors List:

      • Alison Brown  
      • Courtney Barnes  
      • Judith Byaruhanga  
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      • Debbie Booth  
      • Nicole Nathan  
      • Rachel Sutherland  
      • Luke Wolfenden  


      番羽土墙软件 Knowledge translation (KT) aims to facilitate the use of research evidence in decision making. Changes in technology have provided considerable opportunities for KT strategies to improve access and use of evidence in decision making by public health policy makers and practitioners. Despite this opportunity, there have been no reviews that have assessed the effects of digital technology-enabled KT (TEKT) in the field of public health. Objective: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of digital TEKT strategies in (1) improving the capacity for evidence-based decision making by public health policy makers and practitioners, (2) changing public health policy or practice, and (3) changes in individual or population health outcomes. Methods: A search strategy was developed to identify randomized trials assessing the effectiveness of digital TEKT strategies in public health. Any primary research study with a randomized trial design was eligible. Searches for eligible studies were undertaken in multiple electronic bibliographic databases (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online [MEDLINE], Excerpta Medica dataBASE [EMBASE], PsycINFO, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature [CINAHL], and Scopus) and the reference lists of included studies. A hand search of 2 journals (Implementation Science and Journal of Medical Internet Research) and a gray literature search were also conducted. Pairs of independent review authors screened studies, assessed the risk of bias, and extracted data from relevant studies. Results: Of the 6819 citations screened, 8 eligible randomized trials were included in the review. The studies examined the impact of digital TEKT strategies on health professionals, including nurses, child care health consultants, physiotherapists, primary health care workers, and public health practitioners. Overall, 5 of the interventions were web-training programs. The remaining 3 interventions included simulation games, access to digital resource materials and the use of tailored messaging, and a web-based registry. The findings suggest that digital TEKT interventions may be effective in improving the knowledge of public health professionals, relative to control, and may be as effective as a face-to-face KT approach. The effectiveness of digital TEKT strategies relative to a control or other digital KT interventions on measures of health professional self-efficacy to use evidence to enhance practice behavior or behavioral intention outcomes was mixed. The evidence regarding the effects on changes to health policy or practice following exposure to digital TEKT was mixed. No trials assessed the effects on individual or population-level health outcomes. Conclusions: This review is the first to synthesize the effectiveness of digital TEKT interventions in a public health setting. Despite its potential, relatively few trials have been undertaken to investigate the impacts of digital TEKT interventions. The findings suggest that although a digital TEKT intervention may improve knowledge, the effects of such interventions on other outcomes are equivocal.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):番羽土墙
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    • Source: Image created by Authors; Copyright: The Authors; URL: http://jf4e91.wcbzw.com/2023/7/e16961/; License: Public Domain (CC0).

      毕节试验区,一个生动典型-千龙网·中国首都网 - qianlong.com:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。4 年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 ...

      Authors List:

      • Heidi Eccles  
      • Molly Nannarone  
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      • Mark Attridge  
      • Alain Marchand  
      • Alice Aiken  
      • Kendall Ho  
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      番羽土墙 The prevalence of depression is high and has been stable despite increased treatment, research, and dissemination. People encounter barriers to seeking traditional mental health services, which could be mitigated by using web-based prevention methods. Objective: This study aims to understand what people at high risk for depression perceive as effective aspects of web-based mental health programs and what motivates people at high risk for depression to use web-based mental health programs. Methods: We conducted an inductive content analysis using telephone interview data from 77 participants at high risk for depression who were recruited from 2 randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Participants from the first RCT were working men who had been randomly assigned to 1 of the following 3 groups: control group, who had access to general depression information from a website called BroMatters; intervention group 1, who had access to the BroMatters website along with the associated BroHealth web-based mental health program; and intervention group 2, who had access to the BroMatters website, the BroHealth web-based mental health program, and telephone sessions with a life coach. Participants from the second RCT were men and women who had been assigned to the intervention group, who received access to the HardHat web-based mental health program, or the control group, who only received access to the HardHat web-based mental health program following completion of the RCT. Participants for this inductive content analysis study were recruited from the intervention groups in both RCTs. Two groups of participants (n=41 and n=20) were recruited from the BroHealth RCT, and a third group comprised 16 participants that were recruited from the HardHat RCT. 番羽土墙 We generated four categories regarding the perceived effectiveness of web-based programs and five categories related to what motivates the use of web-based programs. Participants identified awareness, program medium and functionality, program content, and coaches as categories related to the effectiveness of the programs. Categories of motivators to use web-based programs included providing reminders or incentives, promotion of the programs, providing appropriate medium and functionality, appropriate content, and perceived need. The final category related to motivators reflects perceptions of participants who were either unsure about what motivates them or believed that there is no way to motivate use. Conclusions: Conflicting evidence was obtained regarding the perceived effectiveness of aspects of the content and functionality of web-based programs. In general, web-based mental health programs were perceived to help increase mental health awareness, especially when it includes live access to a coach. However, the results also revealed that it is difficult to motivate people to begin using web-based mental health programs. Strategies that may motivate the use of such programs include perceived personal need, effective promotion, providing incentives and reminders, and improving functionality.

      • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e16961
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      Participatory Interventions for Sexual Health Promotion for Adolescents and Young Adults on the Internet: Systematic Review


      • 墙软件  
      • Lorraine Cousin  
      • Serge Gottot  
      • Aurelie Bourmaud  
      • Elise de La Rochebrochard  
      • Corinne Alberti  


      Background: The World Health Organization recommends the development of participatory sexuality education. In health promotion, web-based participatory interventions have great potential in view of the internet’s popularity among young people. Objective: The aim of this review is to describe existing published studies on online participatory intervention methods used to promote the sexual health of adolescents and young adults. Methods: We conducted a systematic review based on international scientific and grey literature. We used the PubMed search engine and Aurore database for the search. Articles were included if they reported studies on participatory intervention, included the theme of sexual health, were conducted on the internet (website, social media, online gaming system), targeted populations aged between 10 and 24 years, and had design, implementation, and evaluation methods available. We analyzed the intervention content, study implementation, and evaluation methods for all selected articles. Results: A total of 60 articles were included, which described 37 interventions; several articles were published about the same intervention. Process results were published in many articles (n=40), in contrast to effectiveness results (n=23). Many of the 37 interventions were developed on websites (n=20). The second most used medium is online social networks (n=13), with Facebook dominating this group (n=8). Online peer interaction is the most common participatory component promoted by interventions (n=23), followed by interaction with a professional (n=16). Another participatory component is game-type activity (n=10). Videos were broadcast for more than half of the interventions (n=20). In total, 43% (n=16) of the interventions were based on a theoretical model, with many using the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model (n=7). Less than half of the interventions have been evaluated for effectiveness (n=17), while one-third (n=12) reported plans to do so and one-fifth (n=8) did not indicate any plan for effectiveness evaluation. The randomized controlled trial is the most widely used study design (n=16). Among the outcomes (evaluated or planned for evaluation), sexual behaviors are the most evaluated (n=14), followed by condom use (n=11), and sexual health knowledge (n=8). Conclusions: Participatory online interventions for young people’s sexual health have shown their feasibility, practical interest, and attractiveness, but their effectiveness has not yet been sufficiently evaluated. Online peer interaction, the major participatory component, is not sufficiently conceptualized and defined as a determinant of change or theoretical model component. One potential development would be to build a conceptual model integrating online peer interaction and support as a component.

      • J Med Internet Res 番羽土墙软件;22(7):e15378
      • 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。

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      Multiple Epidemic Wave Model of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Modeling Study


      • 番羽土墙  
      • Georgios Neofotistos  


      Background: Intervention measures have been implemented around the world to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Understanding the dynamics of the disease spread and the effectiveness of the interventions is essential in predicting its future evolution. Objective: The aim of this study is to simulate the effect of different social distancing interventions and investigate whether their timing and stringency can lead to multiple waves (subepidemics), which can provide a better fit to the wavy behavior observed in the infected population curve in the majority of countries. Methods: We have designed and run agent-based simulations and a multiple wave model to fit the infected population data for many countries. We have also developed a novel Pandemic Response Index to provide a quantitative and objective way of ranking countries according to their COVID-19 response performance. Results: We have analyzed data from 18 countries based on the multiple wave (subepidemics) hypothesis and present the relevant parameters. Multiple waves have been identified and were found to describe the data better. The effectiveness of intervention measures can be inferred by the peak intensities of the waves. Countries imposing fast and stringent interventions exhibit multiple waves with declining peak intensities. This result strongly corroborated with agent-based simulations outcomes. We also provided an estimate of how much lower the number of infections could have been if early and strict intervention measures had been taken to stop the spread at the first wave, as actually happened for a handful of countries. A novel index, the Pandemic Response Index, was constructed, and based on the model’s results, an index value was assigned to each country, quantifying in an objective manner the country’s response to the pandemic. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that the COVID-19 pandemic can be successfully modeled as a series of epidemic waves (subepidemics) and that it is possible to infer to what extent the imposition of early intervention measures can slow the spread of the disease.

      • J Med Internet Res 番羽土墙;22(7):e20912
      • 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_新闻_宜宾 ...:2021-3-13 · 四川在线宜宾频道消息(陈刚 王渤涛)“供电惠民助农政策硬是好,免费为我家新房立杆架线送了电!”3月12日,家住四川省宜宾市翠屏区思坡镇玉屏村村民徐全兴看到崭新的电线牵进了家,乐呵呵地说。当日,玉屏村热闹非凡,10余名身著蓝色工装的人员乘着几辆满载工具材料、标有“国家电网”字样 ...

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    • Source: Freepik; Copyright: jcomp; URL: http://www.freepik.com/free-photo/men-women-wear-masks-use-laptop-search-books-library_9295279.htm; License: Licensed by JMIR.

      Regional Infoveillance of COVID-19 Case Rates: Analysis of Search-Engine Query Patterns

      Authors List:

      • Henry C Cousins  
      • Clara C Cousins  
      • Alon Harris  
      • Louis R Pasquale  


      Background: Timely allocation of medical resources for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) requires early detection of regional outbreaks. Internet browsing data may predict case outbreaks in local populations that are yet to be confirmed. Objective: We investigated whether search-engine query patterns can help to predict COVID-19 case rates at the state and metropolitan area levels in the United States. Methods: We used regional confirmed case data from the New York Times and Google Trends results from 50 states and 166 county-based designated market areas (DMA). We identified search terms whose activity precedes and correlates with confirmed case rates at the national level. We used univariate regression to construct a composite explanatory variable based on best-fitting search queries offset by temporal lags. We measured the raw and z-transformed Pearson correlation and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the explanatory variable with out-of-sample case rate data at the state and DMA levels. Results: Predictions were highly correlated with confirmed case rates at the state (mean r=0.69, 95% CI 0.51-0.81; median RMSE 1.27, IQR 1.48) and DMA levels (mean r=0.51, 95% CI 0.39-0.61; median RMSE 4.38, IQR 1.80), using search data available up to 10 days prior to confirmed case rates. They fit case-rate activity in 49 of 50 states and in 103 of 166 DMA at a significance level of .05. Conclusions: Identifiable patterns in search query activity may help to predict emerging regional outbreaks of COVID-19, although they remain vulnerable to stochastic changes in search intensity.

      • J Med Internet Res 番羽土啬吧;番羽土啬吧:e19483
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    • 番羽土墙软件

      Date Submitted: Aug 3, 2023

      Open Peer Review Period: 番羽土墙

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      生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所伍我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。

      Background: Effective contact tracing is labor- and time-intensive during the coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19) pandemic, but essential in the absence of effective treatment and vaccines. Singapore launched the first Bluetooth-based contact tracing app— “TraceTogether” in March 2023 to augment its contact tracing capabilities. Objective: This study aimed to compare the performance of the contact tracing app—“TraceTogether” with a wearable tag-based Real-Time Locating System and validate them against the Electronic Medical Records at the National Center for Infectious Disease (NCID), the national referral center for COVID-19 screening. Methods: All patients and physicians in NCID’s screening center were issued with RTLS tags for contact tracing. Eighteen physicians deployed to NCID’s screening center from May 10–19, 2023 activated the “TraceTogether” app on their smartphones during shifts and urged patients to whom they medically attended to use the app. We compared patient contacts identified by “TraceTogether” and tag-based RTLS within NCID’s vicinity during the physicians’ 10-day posting. We further validated both digital contact tracing tools by verifying the physician-patient contacts with the EMR of 156 patients who attended at NCID’s screening center over a 24-hr time frame within the study period. Results: RTLS had a high sensitivity of 95.3% in detecting all patient contacts identified either by the system or “TraceTogether” while “TraceTogether” had an overall sensitivity of 6.5%, performing significantly better on Android phones (Android: 9.7%, iPhone: 2.7%, P<.001). When validated against the EMR, RTLS tags had a sensitivity of 96.9% and specificity of 83.1% while “TraceTogether” detected only two patient contacts with physicians who did not attend to them. Conclusions: “TraceTogether” had a much lower sensitivity compared with tag-based RTLS in identifying patient contacts in a clinical setting. Although tag-based RTLS tags performed well for contact tracing in the clinical setting, implementation and technology enforcement would be challenging in the community compared with “TraceTogether”. Given the uncertainty on the adoption and capabilities contact tracing apps, policy makers should be cautioned against the over-reliance on an app for contact tracing. Nonetheless, leveraging on technology to augment conventional manual contact tracing was a necessary move for life to return to some normalcy over the long haul of COVID-19.

    • Prognostic Assessment of COVID-19 in ICU by Machine Learning Methods: A Retrospective Study

      Date Submitted: Aug 2, 2023

      Open Peer Review Period: Aug 2, 2023 - Sep 27, 2023

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      塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有

      Background: Patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in ICU have a high mortality rate, and how to early assess the prognosis and carry out precise treatment is of great significance. Objective: To use machine learning to construct a model for the analysis of risk factors and prediction of death among ICU patients with COVID-19. Methods: In this retrospective study, 123 COVID-19 patients in ICU were selected, and data were randomly divided into a training data set (n = 98) and test data set (n = 25) with a 4:1 ratio. Significance tests, analysis of correlation and factor analysis were used to screen the 100 potential risk factors individually. Conventional logistic regression methods and four machine learning algorithms were used to construct the risk prediction model for COVID-19 patients in ICU. Performance of these machine learning models was measured by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Model interpretation and model evaluation of the risk prediction model were performed to ensure its stability and reliability. Results: Layer-by-layer screening of 100 potential risk factors revealed 8 important risk factors that were included in the risk prediction model: lymphocyte percentage (LYM%), prothrombin time (PT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total bilirubin (T-Bil), percentage of eosinophils (EOS%), creatinine(Cr), neutrophil percentage (NEUT%), albumin (ALB) level. Finally, eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) established by 8 important risk factors showed the best recognition ability in the training set of 5-fold cross validation (AUC=0.86) and the verification queue (AUC=0.92). The calibration curve showed that the risk predicted by the model was in good agreement with the actual risk. In addition, using SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) and Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) algorithms, feature interpretation and sample prediction interpretation algorithms of the XGBoost black box model were implemented. The model has been translated into an online risk calculator that is freely available to the public ( Conclusions: The XGBoost model predicts risk of death in ICU patients with COVID-19 well, and 8 factors help significantly to achieve good predictive effects. After algorithm verification, the model initially demonstrates stability and can be used effectively to predict COVID-19 prognosis in ICU patients. Clinical Trial: na

    • 番羽土啬吧

      Date Submitted: Aug 2, 2023

      Open Peer Review Period: Aug 2, 2023 - Sep 27, 2023

      • 番羽土墙

      Background: Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19), mental health problems among young adults are concerned Objective: We assess the prevalence of mental health problems and e...

      Background: Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19), mental health problems among young adults are concerned Objective: We assess the prevalence of mental health problems and examine their associations with geographic location Methods: A nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted in 16 provinces and autonomous regions among Chinese college students from Feb 4 to Feb 12, 2023. An online survey was adopted to collect information including demographics, perceived risk of infection, attitudes toward epidemic and control, and mental health status. Depression symptoms and anxiety were assessed by scales. A total of 11 787 participants were involved in the current study. A Chi-square test was used to compare the percentage of the perceived risk of infection and attitude toward COVID-19 between different geographic locations. The binary logistic models were used to identify associations between associations of geographic location and mental health problems after controlling for covariates Results: The prevalence of anxiety, depression symptoms were 17.8% and 25.9% for college students. After controlling for covariates, current living or college geographic location in Wuhan was positively associated with anxiety symptoms (OR=1.38, 95%CI: 1.12-1.69; OR=1.17, 95%CI: 1.03-1.32) and depression symptoms (OR=1.32, 95%CI: 1.10-1.59; OR=1.16, 95%CI: 1.04-1.30) compared with other areas. Living or travel history in Wuhan in the latest month was also positively associated with anxiety symptoms (OR=1.65, 95%CI: 1.49-1.83) and depression symptoms (OR=1.51, 95%CI: 1.34-1.6). Conclusions: Mental health problems are prevalent in Chinese young adults vary geographically during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results provide further insight into developing targeted intervention strategies

    • 墙软件

      Date Submitted: Jul 29, 2023

      Open Peer Review Period: Jul 29, 2023 - Sep 23, 2023

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      生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所伍我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。

      Background: On January 30, 2023, World Health Organization (WHO) declared the current novel coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19) as a public health emergency of international concern and later characterized it as a pandemic. Since then the virus has also rapidly spread among Latin American, Caribbean and African countries. Objective: The first aim of this study was to identify new emerging COVID-19 clusters over time and in space in Latin American, Caribbean, and African regions [mostly low and middle-income countries (LMICs)], using a prospective space-time scan measurement approach. The second aim was to assess the impact of real-time population mobility patterns between January 21st to May 18th, under the implemented government interventions, measurements and policy restrictions, on COVID-19 spread, among those regions and globally. Methods: We created a global COVID-19 database merging WHO daily case reports (of 218 countries, regions and territories) with other measures such as population density, country income levels for January 21st to May 15th, 2023. A score of government policy interventions was created ranging from “light”, “intermediate”, and “high”, to “very high” interventions. Prospective space-time scan statistic methods were applied in five time periods between January to May 2023 and a stepped-wedged regression mixed model analysis was used. Results: We found that COVID-19 emerging clusters within these five periods of time grew from 7 emerging clusters to 28 by mid-May. We also detected various increasing and decreasing relative risk estimates of COVID-19 spread among Latin American, Caribbean and African countries within the period of analysis. Globally, as well as regionally (Latin American, Caribbean and Africa), population mobility to parks and similar leisure areas during all the implemented control policies were related with accelerated COVID-19 spread. For countries in Africa, population mobility for work reasons during high and very high levels of implemented control policies were related with increased virus spread. Conclusions: Prospective space-time scan is a measurement approach that LMICs countries could easily use to detect emerging clusters in a timely manner and implement specific control policies and interventions to slow down COVID-19 transmission. In addition, real time population mobility obtained from crowdsourced digital data could be useful for current and future targeted public health and mitigation policies among Latin American, Caribbean and African countries as well as globally.

    • COVID-19: knowledge, awareness and perceived stress among Jordanian healthcare providers

      Date Submitted: Jul 28, 2023

      Open Peer Review Period: Jul 28, 2023 - Sep 22, 2023

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      Background: Given the rapidly escalating number of COVID-19 positive cases and the vital role that the Health Care Provider (HCP) play in the setting of this pandemic. Objective: To measure the levels...

      Background: Given the rapidly escalating number of COVID-19 positive cases and the vital role that the Health Care Provider (HCP) play in the setting of this pandemic. Objective: To measure the levels of knowledge, awareness and psychological stress about COVID-19 among health care providers (HCP) in Jordan. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on 397 HCPs that utilized an internet-based validated questionnaire to evaluate knowledge about COVID-19, availability of personal protective equipment (PEE), future perceptions, and psychological distress. Univariate and multivariate ordinal logistic regression analysis were used to evaluate factors associated with constructs of stratified knowledge and psychological stress. Results: Overall, 97 (24.4%) showed excellent knowledge, while 216 (54.4%) and 84 (21.2%) demonstrated good and poor knowledge, respectively. Social media (61.7%) and medical papers (57.7%) were the most commonly used sources of information. Being female (β= 0.521, 95% CI 0.049 to 0.992), a physician (β=1.421, 95% CI 0.849 to 1.992) or using published literature to gain knowledge (β= 1.161, 95% CI 0.657 to 1.664) were positive predictors of higher knowledge levels. While having higher levels of stress (β= -0.854, 95% CI -1.488 to -0.221) and using social media (β= -0.434, 95% CI -0.865 to -0.003) or conventional media (β= -0.884, 95% CI -1.358 to -0.409) to gain information were negative predictors of knowledge levels. The availability of N95 masks (33.5%) and disposable eye protectors or face shields (26.7%) was significantly associated with the lower psychological stress (p=0.01). Conclusions: Health care providers are advised to use the published literature as a source of information about the virus, mode of transmission and the best practice to attain sufficient knowledge regarding COVID-19. PPEs should be secured for HCPs to the psychological stress associated with treating COVID-19 patients.

    • Short Paper: Risk Factors for Long-Term Persistent Symptoms in COVID-19 in an Outpatient Cohort

      Date Submitted: Jul 27, 2023

      Open Peer Review Period: Jul 27, 2023 - Sep 21, 2023

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      Background: Symptom descriptions in outpatients with COVID-19 are limited to cross-sectional surveys and longitudinal follow-up of long term symptoms has not been reported. Symptom duration is importa...

      Background: Symptom descriptions in outpatients with COVID-19 are limited to cross-sectional surveys and longitudinal follow-up of long term symptoms has not been reported. Symptom duration is important for patient and provider knowledge in managing outpatient COVID-19. Objective: Describe the presence of symptoms at long term follow-up of patients managed in an outpatient telemedicine program for acute COVID-19. Methods: Chart review of clinical notes for acute COVID-19 and long term follow-up calls. Descriptive analysis were conducted using Wilcoxon rank-sum for continuous variables and chi-square or Fisher’s Exact as appropriate for categorical variables. Results: Minor symptoms were reported by 55 patients (34.8%) and 7 (4.4%) reported major ongoing symptoms at follow-up call. Factors associated with prolonged symptoms include older age, provider reported higher symptom severity at intake visit, and BMI >30. Symptoms which persisted include shortness of breath on exertion, wheeze, nausea, and joint pain. Conclusions: Persistence of symptoms after acute COVID-19 in outpatients is common. Risk factors may help predict which patients are more likely to have prolonged symptoms.

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